Jun 22, 2010

Flowers In Bloom

A friend of mine contacted me and asked me to help her make a gift for her mother-in-law's birthday. She, my friend, was going to be out of town so she wanted to give her something special so that she'd know that she was being thought of even though my friend wasn't going to be there to celebrate with her. I thought it was so sweet so I came up with an equally sweet gift!

A rich chocolate cake in an edible flower pot with bright and beautiful sugar flowers! :-)

Butterfly Cakes

I made these cakes for my cousin, Mikayla's 9th birthday party. When I was her age I LOVED butterflies, so these were especially fun to make. The butterflies and flowers are all edible. :-)

May 29, 2010

Sometimes I'm hard on myself because I don't yet have the life I want for me and my kids. Tonight my son brought me a flower that he made out of legos to thank me for the hug I gave him earlier. That really put things into perspective for me. I may not be perfect, but my kids know that I love them, and I think that's pretty cool.

"Bite Me!"

I don't know if it's the days I've spent baking and decorating that has made me completely delerious, but for some reason this really cracks me up!

Happy Birthday Makayla and Kyle!

I made this cake for some friends of mine who were celebrating the 2nd birthday of their son and the 3rd birthday of their daughter. They're only ten months apart which makes them Irish twins! Awesome! I'm frustrated with myself for messing up on the fondant on the top tier, but other than that I think it turned out pretty cute. :-)

May 19, 2010

It's not that I want to sit around all day devouring delicious, beautiful cakes, I just want to watch other people doing it! ;-)

May 18, 2010

Laugh. Dance. Conquer.

I have to say that Ellen Degeneres is my hero. Not only is she the funniest woman alive but she is also one of the kindest, most generous people on the planet. The things that she has done to help the people in Haiti as wells as countless others who are less fortunate than her is nothing less than inspiring. I've cried while watching her shows, I've laughed, and more than once, I've even danced. And so, I made this cake, these cupcakes, and these very special cake pops in her honor. ;-)

The Girliest of Cakes!

That's Mellie on the left and Jen on the right. And that's me standing behind the GIGANTIC birthday cake I made for their joint birthday party! Talk about celebrating in STYLE!! ;-)
The shoe was by far my favorite part. I wish I had a better picture of it.....actually, I wish I still had it! Lol. It's a good thing I love these girls enough to give it away. ;-)

Happy Birthday, Ladies. Never forget how truly FABULOUS you both are!!

Go Gold Lightening!

Jackson played his first team sport this year and he did GREAT!!This is the poster I made and held at the games to cheer him on! Yes, I know he's only five and maybe I went a little overboard, but I just couldn't help it. ;-)

I'm so proud of my little man!

Austin keeping warm while watching his big brother play.

Jackson was so happy to have his cousin, Arcadia and his brother, Austin there to cheer him on!

I made these cupcakes for their last game. :-)
Jackson did such a great job and had so much fun and he scored five goals total! I can't wait until next season when Austin can play too! :-)

May 1, 2010

I've fallen in love.....

.....with THIS!! Isn't it BEAUTIFUL??!! :-D

I don't need a boyfriend, I just need this hot pink Kitchenaid!! ;-)
There's even a hot pink chopper!! If anyone knows where I can buy these PLEASE let me know! I probably can't afford them, but they're so beautiful and if I at least knew WHERE they were I might feel one step closer to owning them! Ha ha!

Apr 30, 2010

Class of 2010!

A friend of mine asked me to make a cake for her hubby who was graduating from Utah Valley University. This is what I came up with!
Matt was very pleased. Congrats class of 2010!

Apr 19, 2010

Happy Birthday, Tyler!

My good friend Tyler turned 31 this year so his cute wife asked me to make him a Utah Jazz Birthday cake and of course I was happy to oblige. ;-)

Apr 18, 2010

Sam's Dirt Bike Birthday!

This is Sam. Sam just turned eleven. And what, you ask, did Sam get for his birthday? A brand new dirtbike, of course!!

So what would be more appropriate than celebrating with a dirtbike track as a cake?? ;-)

Happy Birthday, Sam!

Old School Utah Jazz

This is my friend Garett holding the awesome birthday cake I made for him! You've got to love the old school Utah Jazz colors and logo! I sure wish they'd bring this stuff back! ;-)

Mile's Monkey Cake!

What little boy WOULDN'T love a cute Monkey cake?? I know my kids loved it, even though it wasn't for them. Lol.

Mar 18, 2010

"E" is for Ellie!

My first time doing stenciling on a cake.
My cousin holding her beautiful baby, Ellie, who just celebrated her FIRST birthday!
Think she likes it?
Sharing with Daddy.

Way too much fun. ;-)